Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dark Shadows News Page: Michelle Pfieffer Reveals Love For Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows News Page: Michelle Pfieffer Reveals Love For Dark Shadows: Michelle Pfieffer has spoken about her role as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard in the forthcoming Dark Shadows feature film, revealing that she ...

Dark Shadows News Page: Kathryn Leigh Scott Responds To Helena Bonham Cart...

Dark Shadows News Page: Kathryn Leigh Scott Responds To Helena Bonham Cart...: Actress Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie Evans) has written in with some thoughts on the recent comments from Helena Bonham Carter about the ori...

Thursday, December 8, 2011


On Tim Burton's Dark Shadows

Posted on December 8, 2011 - 17:09 by David Konow
As a big lover of retro TV, Dark Shadows is a huge favorite of mine, as is Kolchak the Night Stalker, two great horror shows from the sixties and seventies that were created by the late producer Dan Curtis.

A daily gothic horror soap opera is actually still a pretty radical idea, even in today's day and age, which is why some are undoubtedly wondering what today's audiences will think of Tim Burton's big screen version of Dark Shadows, which stars Johnny Depp as head vampire Barnabas Collins, and is slated to hit theaters on May 11, 2012.
Other actors joining the gothic vampire fun include Michelle Pfeiffer, Jackie Earle Haley, Christopher Lee, original Barnabas Collins Jonathan Frid, and Alice Cooper.
On Tim Burton's Dark ShadowsBurton paramour Helena Bonham Carter told MTV that while she loves Dark Shadows, and it's "very original" and "uncategorizable," she also believes "it's going to be impossible to sell, frankly, because it's just so... It's a soap opera but it's very, very subtle. It's a ghoststory but then it's an unhappy vampire story. It's a mixture of so many different things and a real ensemble piece."
Carter also mentioned that Burton is indeed an old school fan of the show, adding, "This was a thing that he raced home to see when he was about age 10. So it was returning to his childhood roots of what he loved watching."
Also speaking to MTV, Pfeiffer called Dark Shadows "a dream job" with "such a fun cast... We had so much fun. I just love working with Tim [Burton], I love watching him direct. [There's] nobody like him."
In spite of what Carter said, Pfeiffer hopes there will be sequels. As far as Dark Shadows being too out there to make a potential franchise, Pfeiffer said, "That's what we love about Tim's movies, they're not run-of-the-mill and they don't easily fit into one kind of genre."

Friday, December 2, 2011

Helena Bonham Carter Totally Disses Dark Shadows

She's starring in her husband's remake of the old show, so why not insult the original?

Thursday, December 1, 2011