Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Dark Shadows News Page: Skins Actress Cast in Dark Shadows Movie
Dark Shadows News Page: Skins Actress Cast in Dark Shadows Movie: British actress Hannah Murray, best known for her role in British drama Skins , is the latest confirmed cast member for the new Dark Shadows...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Brooklyn Heights Press
'Dark Shadows’ Draws Blood at Brooklyn Marriott
By Mary Frost
DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — From small villages and major cities they came — to reminisce, to rub shoulders with the stars, and to relive those glorious days of bloodsucking horror.
The 45th annual Dark Shadows convention swooped into town this past weekend and the Brooklyn Marriott was packed hundreds of rabid fans who follow the vampire-themed soap opera religiously even to this day, 45 years after the Gothic horror epic debuted on ABC.
Dark Shadows aired from 1966 – 1971, starring (among many others) Jonathan Frid as the conflicted vampire Barnabas Collins, David Selby as the malicious ghost of Quentin Collins, Joan Bennett as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, and Grayson Hall as Dr. Julia Hoffman.
The show followed Barnabas Collins, born in the 1700s and reawakened as a vampire in1972 1966. Dark Shadows was distinguished, according to Wikipedia by “vividly melodramatic performances, atmospheric interiors, memorable storylines, numerous dramatic plot twists, an unusually adventurous music score, and an extremely broad and epic cosmos of characters and heroic adventures.”
“I’ve been watching it since I was seven,” said Sharon Rotondo, who flew in for the convention from California. “It mesmerized me. I used to watch it after school. I watch every day even now, on DVD. After work I watch two or three episodes — I love it. “
Carol Peck, a fan from Staten Island, has attended the convention every year for 26 years. When asked what continues to draw her she said, “It’s hard to describe. The actors were terrific; you’re not going to find a Joan Bennett anymore.” Ms. Peck said she would be attending the convention all weekend and was looking for a cane like the one used by Barnabas.
Warner Bros purchased the film rights from the estate of Dan Curtis (creator, producer and director of Dark Shadows). Several members of the original cast have cameos in the film, which is scheduled to be released in May, 2012.
Jonathan Frid himself, now in his 80s, was in attendance this year, as were cast members David Selby, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Nancy Barrett, Laura Parker, Jerry Lacy, Marie Wallace, Roger Davis, Christopher Pennock, Donna Wandrey, Kathleen Cody, Sharon Smyth, and Barbara Woronko, who appeared in one episode as Nurse Pritchett.
The actors kept up a grueling schedule of panel discussions, skits, book signings and dramatic performances. Dark Shadows episodes were aired, along with late-night horror movies. Fans dressed up as any number of characters for the Dark Shadows Costume Gala.
David Selby, who said that strangers still call out “Quentin!” when they see him on the street (Selby recently appeared in The Social Network), speculated that Dark Shadows was popular because of its time period. “That was the time of the Vietnam War, and New York City was going broke. In 1968 Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were assassinated. Dark Shadows was a place where the actors and fans alike could escape,” he said.
” I realized what a gift this was to me; I tended to partake of all that upheaval. When I walked into the studio I was in another world. That’s probably why the show was so successful — it created another world.”
The show was filmed in one take, he said, and there were plenty of bloopers. “Maybe all those mistakes had a charm of their own. I can’t help but smile when I see those goofups. God knows I made a lot of them.”
The show took on a life of its own, Selby said. “Dan Curtis never knew where his show was going. He tried but then something would pop up — a vampire or werewolf.
“If Dark Shadows were a painting, its price would have greatly appreciated. If something has managed to hang around for 50 years, it should be compensated,” he said. “Like a painting by Andy Warhol. If I had known then what I know now, I would have stuffed a couple of Warhols in my pocket.”
DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — From small villages and major cities they came — to reminisce, to rub shoulders with the stars, and to relive those glorious days of bloodsucking horror.
Dark Shadows aired from 1966 – 1971, starring (among many others) Jonathan Frid as the conflicted vampire Barnabas Collins, David Selby as the malicious ghost of Quentin Collins, Joan Bennett as Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, and Grayson Hall as Dr. Julia Hoffman.
The show followed Barnabas Collins, born in the 1700s and reawakened as a vampire in
Dedicated Fans
The power Dark Shadows has over its followers cannot be overstated. Many were teens when the show ran, and they rushed home from high school to watch it at 4 p.m.“I’ve been watching it since I was seven,” said Sharon Rotondo, who flew in for the convention from California. “It mesmerized me. I used to watch it after school. I watch every day even now, on DVD. After work I watch two or three episodes — I love it. “
Carol Peck, a fan from Staten Island, has attended the convention every year for 26 years. When asked what continues to draw her she said, “It’s hard to describe. The actors were terrific; you’re not going to find a Joan Bennett anymore.” Ms. Peck said she would be attending the convention all weekend and was looking for a cane like the one used by Barnabas.
Dark Shadows Remake to Star Johnny Depp
This loyal cult following hasn’t been missed by Hollywood — Johnny Depp is presently collaborating with Tim Burton on a film adaptation of Dark Shadows. According to Variety, Depp has said in interviews that he has always been obsessed with Dark Shadows and had, as a child, wanted to be Barnabas Collins.Warner Bros purchased the film rights from the estate of Dan Curtis (creator, producer and director of Dark Shadows). Several members of the original cast have cameos in the film, which is scheduled to be released in May, 2012.
Jonathan Frid himself, now in his 80s, was in attendance this year, as were cast members David Selby, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Nancy Barrett, Laura Parker, Jerry Lacy, Marie Wallace, Roger Davis, Christopher Pennock, Donna Wandrey, Kathleen Cody, Sharon Smyth, and Barbara Woronko, who appeared in one episode as Nurse Pritchett.
The actors kept up a grueling schedule of panel discussions, skits, book signings and dramatic performances. Dark Shadows episodes were aired, along with late-night horror movies. Fans dressed up as any number of characters for the Dark Shadows Costume Gala.
David Selby, who said that strangers still call out “Quentin!” when they see him on the street (Selby recently appeared in The Social Network), speculated that Dark Shadows was popular because of its time period. “That was the time of the Vietnam War, and New York City was going broke. In 1968 Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King were assassinated. Dark Shadows was a place where the actors and fans alike could escape,” he said.
” I realized what a gift this was to me; I tended to partake of all that upheaval. When I walked into the studio I was in another world. That’s probably why the show was so successful — it created another world.”
The show was filmed in one take, he said, and there were plenty of bloopers. “Maybe all those mistakes had a charm of their own. I can’t help but smile when I see those goofups. God knows I made a lot of them.”
The show took on a life of its own, Selby said. “Dan Curtis never knew where his show was going. He tried but then something would pop up — a vampire or werewolf.
“If Dark Shadows were a painting, its price would have greatly appreciated. If something has managed to hang around for 50 years, it should be compensated,” he said. “Like a painting by Andy Warhol. If I had known then what I know now, I would have stuffed a couple of Warhols in my pocket.”
Paperback Library's BARNABAS COLLINS A PERSONAL PICTURE ALBUM compiled by Jonathan Frid, printed in 1969. (front and back covers)
Kathryn Leigh Scott films a cameo for Tim Burton's 'Dark Shadows' film
Los Angeles Times
Scott starred in four roles on the influential soap - the precursor of such popular vampire TV series as "True Blood" and the "Twilight" books and movies. She played the waitress from the wrong side of the tracks, Maggie Evans, who falls in love with a tortured vampire Barnabas Collins (Jonathan Frid), as well as Josette du Pres, Lady Kitty Hampshire and Rachel Drummond.
Scott recently returned from London where she, Frid, Lara Parker (who played the vengeful witch Angelique) and David Selby (the ghost Quentin Collins) spent three days filming their cameos for the 2012 release.
"It was wonderful," enthused Scott, a vivacious 66, who landed the role of Maggie in the time-traveling soap straight out of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. "I think the thing that meant the most was as soon as we walked on the set, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp came over and were so welcoming."
Apparently, Depp and Burton have been obsessed with the show for many years, noted Scott. "I did an episode of '21 Jump Street' years ago, and the moment I walked into the trailer up in Vancouver (Canada), everybody said Johnny Depp is such a fan of 'Dark Shadows' and he wants to play Barnabas Collins."
The heart of "Dark Shadows" was creator Dan Curtis. "He was a genius," said Scott. "He went back and forth in time. He told these universal stories. They were parables. We did stories based on 'The Picture of Dorian Gray,' 'Jane Eyre,' 'The Scarlet Letter' and 'The Turn of the Screw.' 'Dark Shadows' is as much a romance as it is a horror series."
Since "Dark Shadows" left the airwaves 40 years ago because of rising production costs, Scott has made several feature films, including Alain Resnais' 1977 drama, "Providence," appeared on stage in London and has guest starred on countless TV series.
But "Dark Shadows" has remained a big part of her career. She formed her own publishing company, Pomegranate Press, 25 years ago to publish books about the entertainment industry as well as guidebooks, biographies and coffee-table arts books. Several of the books she's written, including "My Scrapbook Memories of Dark Shadows," have revolved around the series.
And this week, she's releasing her first novel, "Dark Passages," which chronicles the life of a young actress named Meg Harrison, who is cast in a gothic vampire daytime serial called "Dark Passages." The twist is that Meg is secretly a vampire.
"I wrote 'Dark Passages' as a coming-of-age book without any paranormal elements," said Scott, relaxing in the comfortable living room of the Beverly Hills house she shared for two decades with husband Geoff Miller, the founder of Los Angeles magazine who died this year.
"The book was completely finished a year ago April," said Scott. "Geoff and I were in my office, and I was reading a part of it to him. Suddenly, I said, 'What if she is a vampire?' And Geoff said go with it. I rewrote the book. It added a whole new element to the story."
Because the show was shot live, all the gaffes and dialogue flubs were left in for broadcast. A fan favorite features Frid. "Over the closing credits they ran this beauty shot of the foyer" of the mansion Collinwood, said Scott. "The show is over so Jonathan goes into his little quick-change room in the foyer and comes out carrying hangers over his shoulder and you see him on camera."
While going to school in New York, Scott worked as a Playboy bunny, and she wrote about it in her book about the history of Hef's waitresses, "The Bunny Years." The rights to the book have been purchased for use in episodes of the upcoming NBC series "The Playboy Club," and it's being republished in September.
Scott didn't quit her job as a bunny when she got "Dark Shadows." "I did the two things for six weeks," she said, laughing. "I was working as a bunny on the weekend when a group of people came in on a Saturday night and one of the women looked at me and said, 'What's Maggie Evans doing working as a Playboy bunny?' I went back in the service area and said, 'That's it. I'm turning in my ears tonight.'"
Posted on Thu, Aug. 11, 2011 12:14 PM
Sunday, August 21, 2011
'Dark Shadows' cast members appearing at convention: (l.-r.) David Selby, Lara Parker, Jonathan Frid (shown below as vampire Barnabas), Kathryn Leigh Scott, John Karlen & Marie Wallace.
Make that old-school vampire lovers, because each generation seems to fall for its own undead superstars.
Generation Next has "Twilight's" Edward and Carlisle; the '90s had Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in the movie version of Anne Rice's 1976 book, "Interview with the Vampire."
Bela Lugosi's 1925 Broadway and subsequent hit movie role in "Dracula," the 1922 silent flick "Nosferatu" and, of course, Bram Stoker's 1895 novel "Dracula" - on which most of the following is based - were all huge hits in their time.
The baby boomer generation to which I belong rushed home after school and hunkered down in front of our black and white television sets to watch as our favorite vampire laid waste to the residents of Collinsport, Maine.
Barnabas Collins and the host of vampires, witches, werewolves and other undead creatures in the "Dark Shadows" television show dominated the afternoon airways for most of the show's five-year (1966-1971) run - okay, four of the five: Barnabas was introduced in the second season.
"Dark Shadows" is considered one of the 20 most popular television series of all time. Director Tim Burton and actor Johnny Depp are currently making a movie based on the show in which several original cast members are rumored to make cameo appearances.
Starting Friday, several cast members - including Jonathan Frid (aka Barnabas), David Selby (Quentin), Kathryn Leigh Scott (Maggie/Josette), Lara Parker (Angelique), Jerry Lacy (the Rev. Trask), Kathleen Cody (Hallie Stokes), Marie Wallace (Eve), Donna Wandrey (Roxanne Drew), Sharon Smith (Sarah Collins) and Bobbi Ann Woronko (Miss Pritchett) will take up daytime residence at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott for the Dark Shadows 45th Anniversary Cast Reunion and Fan Convention.
The event runs through Sunday. Admission is $30 for the weekend or $15 today, $20 tomorrow and $15 on Sunday.
Frid will be there only tomorrow and Sunday. The event includes an $80-per-person banquet on Sunday.
Have no doubt: Fans, like my Daily News colleague Maxine Simpson, will be there.
"I would go into Manhattan [the show was shot at ABC studios at 422 W. 53rd St.] with friends from high school and we would wait, along with other fans, for the cast to exit the theater," Simpson said. "They would come out and talk with us, pose for photos and sign our autograph books."
Simpson remembers Frid saying goodbye to her and her girlfriends as they headed for the subway.
Scott, who played Maggie and Josette - most cast members played several characters - said there are several reasons the show continues to hold on to its loyal fans and attract new ones.
Read more:
Saturday, August 20, 2011
From THE SUN.....DARK SHADOWS new star...
A DOG from Warwickshire has landed a plum role in a movie opposite Hollywood star Keanu Reeves.
Pablo, a 13-month-old Akita pooch, was signed up for Samurai flick 47 Ronin after being spotted on Facebook by someone involved with the project.After three months of training, the mutt joined Keanu on location in Hungary to shoot scenes for the epic period film based on the true tale of a band of samurai swordsmen who avenged the death of their master in 18th century Japan.
The film sees Pablo donning armour to play Keanu's character's loyal pet dog.
Future work as a stunt dog in other films could now follow.
Pablo's owner Warwick Aldersley Jr. told a newspaper: "Pablo is such a beautiful dog and they are a wonderful, loyal, breed. He's certainly making no diva-like demands now he's in films.
"I didn't expect him to ever be on the payroll of a $170million film but then who would. Its been a strange few months."
Pablo's success has rubbed off on Warwick, director of a sportswear business, who recently performed alongside Hollywood A-lister Johnny Depp as a dog handler in a forthcoming Tim Burton film called Dark Shadows.
He added: "As a result I've had work as an extra myself opposite Johnny Depp, and think I may have accidentally stumbled on a film career as a dog handler."
Friday, August 19, 2011
Kathryn Leigh Scott Celebrates Her Novel & Dark Shadows
By Maryann Yin on August 18, 2011 9:23 AM
Here’s more from FishbowlNY: “Set in the swinging ’60s, it tells the tale of an actress moonlighting as a Playboy bunny who just happens to be vampire and is determined to make it in New York City without her supernatural powers. While working on the cult hit Dark Passages, she meets her nemesis, a 300-year-old witch.”
The author had just returned from London after shooting a cameo for Tim Burton‘s Dark Shadows film.
Some of the writers and publishing executives at the party included literary agent Ed Victor, Marie Claire editor Jonanna Coles and Men’s Health editor-in-chief David Zinczenko. The crowd also included CNBC news anchor Joe Kernen, EMI music’s VP of promotions Neil Lasher and Discovery (ID) president Henry Schleiff.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
BARNABANGS........Just wondering!!!
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Frid today! |
Jonathan Frid during the run of DARK SHADOWS had those signature BARNABAS BANGS....Even though Jonathan will NOT be playing Barnabas Collins in the Depp/Burton movie wonder if for his cameo he will sport them BANGS? Wonder If in his personal life he has ever woke up and put his hair in that style?
Paperback Library
My DARK SHADOWS series book box sitting atop my scanner. |
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A store display of DARK SHADOWS paperbacks. |
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Victoria Winters the second book in the Paperback Library gothic series based on the ABC TV series. |
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
An Exclusive from SHADOWGRAM #121 2011
Dark Shadows News Page: Jonathan Frid at Pinewood
Dark Shadows News Page: Jonathan Frid at Pinewood: "It was recently announced that four members of the original Dark Shadows cast have filmed cameo appearances for Tim Burton's new movie.
for complete article please go to
for complete article please go to
The Official "Dark Shadows" Published Newsletters
The Official Dark Shadows News Updates - posted via The ShadowGram Yahoo Group
The Official Dark Shadows News Updates - posted via The ShadowGram Yahoo Group
Marcy Robin's Cyberspace "Dark Shadows" News Updates
An Official Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM
An Official Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM
Number 247. August 12, 2011
Number 247. August 12, 2011
Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,
ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS),
announces the following breaking news in this Online News Update "bulletin."
announces the following breaking news in this Online News Update "bulletin."
The latest published Official DS Newsletter is being sent now to all postal-mail subscribers. As always, this SG #121 is packed-full of DS news, photographs, exclusives, details, and more.
Newsletter Key Highlights follow.
---- Special photographs:
Exclusive, casual pictures of JONATHAN FRID, LARA PARKER, DAVID SELBY, and KATHRYN LEIGH SCOTT when they were at Pinewood Studios in London to film cameos in the new DS movie
Exclusive, casual picture of JONATHAN (with assistant Mark Lawrence) at home
Lara and Kathryn onstage at Comic-Con International, talking about DS
Pictures, biographical information, and a special memorial honoring PAUL MICHAEL.
Remembrance picture, media obituary, and biographical information for KATHRYN's husband GEOFF MILLER.
Onstage picture showing tribute to the late JOEL CROTHERS and others in Tony-winning Broadway drama "A Normal Heart," plus biographical information about him .
Photo of DAVID SELBY with actor Avery Brooks at Ford's Theatre Gala in June
In-person photos of DENISE NICKERSON and ADRIAN PAUL at recent appearances
Detailed biography and photo of BARBARA (BOBBI) ANN WORONKO-ANZALONE (Nurse Pritchett) (courtesy of Bobbi)
Cast picture for new DS audiodrama "The Crimson Pearl," plus one of NANCY BARRETT recording (courtesy of Big Finish)
--- Detailed News and Information:
Congratulating DAVID HENESY on the birth of his 5th child, daughter Mathilda Aude Louise Henesy Rodriguez, plus positive reviews of the 3 popular restaurants he and his wife co-own.
Congratulating DICK SMITH, who will receive an Honorary Oscar in November for his "pioneering" work and innovations in the field of makeup, prosthetics, and special effects.
JERRY LACY tells SG about the special DS scenario he wrote that NANCY BARRETT and he will present onstage at the DS Festival on 8-21. He also will debut a new CD of favorite ghost stoires and poems.. He's long supported charity causes, and proceeds from his autographs at the Fest will benefit a wonderful animal shelter..
ALEXANDRA MOLTKE ISLES shares with SG about her new documentary, "Hidden Treasures: Stories From a Great Museum." It's an intimate behind-the-scenes insight into the art works and the staff that cares for them at the NY Metropolitan Museum. It will screen at the Fest on 8-19.
JOSEPH GORDON-LEVITT hosts an evening with "RECords" from his collaboorative website at LA's Vista Theatre, where DS and its stars previously were saluted. He has 3 movies due out soon. The collaborative website is
ROBERT COBERT's soundtrack for Dan Curtis' "Burnt Offerings" is now available.
MALCOLM MARMORSTEIN (DS Writer) gives SG an exclusive, thorough career biography - with insights into his early DS days
Brief timeline of DS and DS fandom history in honor of DS' 45th anniversary
Detailed coverage of last-minute plans, schedule, etc., for the 2011 DS FESTIVAL convention (Aug. 19-21 at the Brooklyn Marriott Hotel at the Brooklyn Bridge, NY)
---- NEW DS MOVIE UPDATES - Updating and extensive media coverage of the new DS motion picture starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton (including the cameos by JONATHAN, LARA, DAVID, and KATHRYN - plus revealing one more special cameo!)
SG reported about the movie since its first official announcement over 4 years ago. SG continues to share confirmed information. It's filming now under very tight security in London and at locations in England. Production continues into the fall SG reminds fans: The movie promises "to be faithful to the DS legacy as well as infusing the unique style and personality of Johnny Depp and his longtime collaborator Tim Burton. The storyline expects to introduce new elements not seen in previous tellings of DS."
DS IN THE MEDIA section features many on-air, print, and online mentions of DS: its impact on later vampire-themed books, TV shows, films, etc; its cast/crew; and more, including 3 "unusual" references.
DS MERCHANDISE & PUBLICATIONS section updates and reports on new items now available, debuting at the Fest, and soon to be released.
FAN NEWS section shares YOUR news - all SG subscribers are welcome and encouraged to send in their news at any time.
To subscribe / renew to the complete ShadowGram Official Dark Shadows Newsletters:
--- US & Canadian First Class subscriptions: $12.00 for 4 issues, $24.00 for 8 issues.
---Overseas Air Mail subscriptions: US $20.00 for 4 issues, US $40.00 for 8 issues.
---Overseas Air Mail subscriptions: US $20.00 for 4 issues, US $40.00 for 8 issues.
Please send your print issue subscription / renewal payment (check/money order) payable to:
Marcy Robin
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
Subscription/renewal payments can be made via Paypal to:
When your subscription / renewal arrives, I'll send you this new SG #121 and future issues as they are published.
Thank you for subscribing to SG in print!
--- Fans joining us at this year's Festival are invited to please send SG your photos, footage, etc. Each image captures a unique mood and expression and helps SG readers who were there, as well as those who can't attend, to enjoy the weekend together with us. Please send high-resolution jpegs or clear, original prints to SG's e- or postal- mail addresses.
--- Fans also are encouraged to please share with SG any and all DS-related references. Media attention can come at any time for the DS personnel and their projects, the new Depp/Burton movie, DS Festivals, merchandise, etc These items can be online, in print, or on the air; be international, national, or local; general or detailed; accurate or incorrect in content; specific or generic references.
Please include your full name, the source, and date so I can list you as a Contributor in the published SGs. You also may receive a complementary Contributor's Copy for major donations of information, funds, postage stamps, supplies, photos, publicity, assistance, etc. Thank you in advance for sharing.
All such items are important to the ShadowGram Newsletters, the actual complete published Official DS Newsletter & News Source. Subscribers of all ages are across the US and worldwide. I send complementary issues directly to many of the DS cast and crew. They share their news with me for SG, and who enjoy learning about their DS colleagues in SG's pages.
NOTE: The e-mail Updates like this one are * NOT * the actual Official DS Newsletter. The Official DS Newsletters are the published SG print issues that expand and explain each short Online Update post. The postal-mail edition is available by paid subscription and provides specific detailed information, exclusive/rare photos, media coverage - all much more than these brief Updates.
This Update is posted to the ShadowGram YahooGroup and is dispersed by interested people to various lists, boards, websites, groups, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, in personal emails and other online/print communications. Please include SG's complete address and subscription information in your sharing.
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You can read past SG Online Updates once you're a member of the group by clicking on the "Messages" tab.
If you'd like more information on how to become a SG YahooGroup member, or to get an invitation to join the Group, please e-mail Marcy Robin at
Thank you.
Marcy Robin
ShadowGram Editor / Publisher
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
YahooGroup e-mail:
Official ShadowGram Website:
ShadowGram Editor / Publisher
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
YahooGroup e-mail:
Official ShadowGram Website:
SHADOWGRAM (SG) is the *Official* "Dark Shadows" Newsletter. Much of its news is directly provided by the show's personnel and those involved in the 1966-71 TV series,
1991 TV series, and the new DS motion picture, now in production.. Established 32+ years ago in April, 1979, SG works directly with individuals, companies, and others involved in DS' creation, distribution, promotion, merchandise, etc.
1991 TV series, and the new DS motion picture, now in production.. Established 32+ years ago in April, 1979, SG works directly with individuals, companies, and others involved in DS' creation, distribution, promotion, merchandise, etc.
SG print issues are published throughout the year. Time-sensitive bonus breaking-news free published updates can be sent as needed at any time to all current paid postal-mail subscribers.
Brief Update bulletins are posted through the ShadowGram Online "Dark Shadows" News Updates Yahoo Group.
Brief Update bulletins are posted through the ShadowGram Online "Dark Shadows" News Updates Yahoo Group.
See subscription information and contact addresses above.
For more newsletter information, please write with a SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope) to the above postal-address or e-mail:
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Tim Burton Discusses the Tone of Dark Shadows and Whether He'll Shoot in 3-D
Posted 05.31.11 by Ryan A couple of weeks ago, production began on director Tim Burton's adaptation of Dark Shadows, based on the Gothic soap opera that played on ABC from 1966 to 1971.Burton took a short break from the England-set production to attend an opening of his artwork at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, where he spoke to The Wrap about the movie, which will star Johnny Depp as the the vampire Barnabas Collins. While Burton's last movie, Alice in Wonderland was shot in 3-D, Burton revealed in the interview that he wouldn't be shooting in the increasingly popular format.
I have no plans for that. I loved doing Alice in 3D. Frankenweenie, gonna do that in 3D. There’s people like, "Everything’s gonna be in 3D," or "I hate 3D!" I think people should have a choice. I don’t think it should be forced on anybody. At the same time, it’s great, some of it. It’s like "Yes or no!? 3D! Yes or no?!" It’s like, well, you know, come on, whatever, some yes, some no.With Dark Shadows in such an early stage, Burton struggled to describe the movie's tone, at one point calling it "a weird tone" that may not borrow much from the soap opera on which it is based.
I’m early into it because it’s a funny tone, and that’s part of what the vibe of the show is, and there’s something about it that we want to get. But when you look at it, it’s pretty bad. I’m hoping that it will be — it’s early days, let’s put it — I’m very intrigued by the tone. It’s a real ethereal tone we’re trying to go for and I don’t know yet.Dark Shadows was written by Seth Grahame-Smith (author and screenwriter for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, which Burton is producing) and is apparently filled with some complicated moments. Burton revealed that "we’re not starting with the simple stuff; we're sort of getting right in there" which hopefully means that the macabre aspect of the source material won't be marginalized.
"You like to kind of sneak up on it a little bit," said Burton. "But this one we just kind of slammed right into it." Hopefully, the results will blend the "weird," "funny" and "ethereal" tones into one cohesive mix, but then, those three words describe most Tim Burton movies.
Next Showing: Dark Shadows opens May 11, 2012
Dark Shadows -- comedic?
Ameobob | 07.31.11 05:23:51 PM I sure hope they don't heighten the campy aspects. With the amount of sorce material, they probably have enough for a few movies.
I was a fan growing up. I even bought the comic books. I've recently hooked my wife on it after borrowing some dvds from the library.
Dark Shadows
Cindy Boyd | 06.22.11 01:01:23 PM Was and still am a huge fan. Was member of the Fan club. Still have my DS scrapbooks,magazines,etc. Even have numerous gift set DVD's of the original series. Still love it and mostly Barnabas!!!!!!!!
Dark Shadows
Deb | 06.17.11 01:47:49 AM My siblings teased me because I was such a passionate fan of Dark Shadows and would hurry home from school to watch every episode. No show prior to that had captured my interest whatsoever. I was intrigued by the eeriness and creepy sets and the opening music! I sure hope the movie is somewhat true to the original series, only improved. I worry they'll get silly with it and miss the boat. Will the film capture the haunted, tormented soul of Barnabas Collins? Will they keep it creepy and mysterious? Will there be wicked betrayals, defiance, and a tormented love story? I hope so! It's kind of funny, but years later, my daughter actually worked on a movie set and had breaks and lunches with David Selby, but she had no idea that I'd been an adoring fan many years prior and had never seen Dark Shadows. She was referring to him only as "David." I had no idea until the project was completed that "David" was David Selby (aka Quentin Collins)! LOL!
Dark Shadows
Joan | 06.01.11 12:00:36 PM I loved it. I tried never to miss an episode. i've started to watch then over again on Netflix. Can't wait to see it.
Dark Shadows
mommysand | 06.01.11 09:07:50 AM I remember rushing home from school to see my favorite show-Dark Shadows. I love Johnnie and I can't hardly wait till the movie comes out.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011
'Dark Shadows' is still in her blood
Kathryn Leigh Scott, who starred in the ABC vampire soap opera, has filmed an appearance in Tim Burton's film version starring Johnny Depp.
To read the complete article CLICK HERE! |
Sunday, August 7, 2011
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — When Ryan Murphy was a child, his grandmother forced him to watch the daytime horror soap "Dark Shadows."
"She would make me sit through it to toughen me up," he recalled. "And when I was bad, I had to watch 'The Waltons.'"
Murphy, whose credits include "Nip/Tuck" and "Glee," is now the co-creator of an upcoming FX series, "American Horror Story."
The show centers on the Harmon family, which moves to Los Angeles from Boston in an attempt to start over after suffering domestic problems. But the house the Harmons move into is haunted.
"American Horror Story" isn't so much about horror as about marriage and infidelity, Murphy told reporters Saturday during a session of the Television Critics Association conference.
But series co-creator Brad Falchuk said both he and Murphy are obsessed with the horror genre.
The goal with their new series, Falchuk said, was to figure "how can we bust the genre up, while paying homage to all the films that we love so much." High on their list: "Don't Look Now," ''The Shining" and "Jaws."
The series' cast includes Oscar-winner Jessica Lange in her first regular TV series role, and, as the Harmons, Dylan McDermott ("The Practice") and Connie Britton.
Britton, who recently ended her run as a high school football coach's wife on the much-acclaimed drama "Friday Night Lights," said she avoids horror films: They scare her too much."I recently did the remake of 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' because I was going to face my fears," she confided. After shaking her head with dread, she sparked laughter from reporters when she said, "I should not be here."
On the other hand, she acknowledged that she was looking for a different project when "American Horror Story" came along.
"I thought this would definitely be, in every way, completely different from 'Friday Night Lights,'" she said, adding, "For me, it transcends horror, the way 'Friday Night Lights' transcended football.""American Horror Story" premieres Oct. 5.
The Official "Dark Shadows" Published Newsletters
The Official Dark Shadows News Updates - posted via The ShadowGram Yahoo Group
Marcy Robin's Cyberspace "Dark Shadows" News Updates
An Official Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM
The Official Dark Shadows News Updates - posted via The ShadowGram Yahoo Group
Marcy Robin's Cyberspace "Dark Shadows" News Updates
An Official Internet Publication of SHADOWGRAM
Number 246 August 6, 2011
Number 246 August 6, 2011
Hello, Dark Shadows Fan,
ShadowGram (SG), The Official Newsletter & News Source for Dark Shadows (DS),
announces the following breaking news in this Online DS News Update "bulletin."
announces the following breaking news in this Online DS News Update "bulletin."
Dick Smith did the "Old Barnabas" makeup during DS and then "improved" it for 1970's HOUSE OF DS, the first DS movie.
Dick is named by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences to receive its Governors Award -an Honorary Oscar - at a special dinner ceremony on Nov. 12.
The Academy describes the award recognizes "extraordinary distinction in lifetime achievement (and) exceptional contributions to the state of motion picture arts and sciences." Actor James Earl Jones also will receive the honor.
Dick, now 89, began his professional career in 1945 and created aging makeup for Dustin Hoffman as a 121-year-old in the 1970 movie LITTLE BIG MAN. He created makeup, effects, prosthetics, and more on THE GODFATHER I & II, MIDNIGHT COWBOY, THE EXORCIST, and Dan Curtis' BURNT OFFERINGS, among many other films. He won the 1984 Oscar for AMADEUS.
As announced in a previous SG update, the publication party for Kathryn's new novel, "Dark Passages," loosely based on her own early-1960s experiences living in NYC, working as a a Bunny at the Playboy Club - and then being cast in DS.
"A publication party for Kathryn's supernatural thriller novel "Dark Passages" will be held August 7 at Diesel Bookstore in Santa Monica (Brentwood), CA.
Reflecting Kathryn's (Maggie) own DS ties, it's a story set in the early 1960s about a popular hit TV soap opera. A young woman actress, who's actually a telekinetic vampire raised to resist human blood, joins the series' cast. She finds herself confronted by "her nemesis, a beautiful spell-weaving 300-year-old witch bent on destroying her." The 2 also vie for "the affections of a handsome young mortal with a secret life of his own."
The publication party will be at 3:00 on 8-7 at Diesel - A Bookstore in Brentwood, located in the Brentwood Country Mart, 225 26th St., Santa Monica, CA. 90402. 310-576-9960.
--- Kathryn asks SG to announce these book-signing events:
Aug. 17 - 7pm: Barnes & Noble Bookstore, 150 E. 86th St. at Lexington Ave., NYC, NY 10028. 212-369-2180.
Sept. 13 - 7pm - Book Soup, 8818 Sunset Blvd., W. Hollywood, CA.
--- SG Announcement:
The newest SG #121 print issue will be mailed within days to all current and new postal-mail subscribers. Its exclusives and special contents will be highlighted in an upcoming SG Online Update.
The newest SG #121 print issue will be mailed within days to all current and new postal-mail subscribers. Its exclusives and special contents will be highlighted in an upcoming SG Online Update.
The most recent published SG Newsletter is the huge Double SG #119-#120. It can be sent with SG #121 to new subscribers. Recent SG postal-mail print issues also are available.
To subscribe to the complete ShadowGram Official Dark Shadows Newsletters:
--- US & Canadian First Class subscriptions: $12.00 for 4 issues, $24.00 for 8 issues.
---Overseas Air Mail subscriptions: US $20.00 for 4 issues, US $40.00 for 8 issues.
---Overseas Air Mail subscriptions: US $20.00 for 4 issues, US $40.00 for 8 issues.
Please send your print issue subscription / renewal payment (check/money order) payable to:
Marcy Robin
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
Subscription/renewal payments can be made via Paypal to:
--- Fans are encouraged to please share with SG any and all media mentions you find about Dick's honor. Fans attending Kathryn's book events are asked to please share their photos and reports as well.
Any time you find DS-related references, please notify SG. Media attention can come at any time for the DS personnel and their projects, the new Depp/Burton movie, DS Festivals, merchandise, etc These items can be online, in print, or on the air; be international, national, or local; general or detailed; accurate or incorrect in content; specific or generic references.
Please include your full name, the source, and date so I can list you as a Contributor in the published SGs. You also may receive a complementary Contributor's Copy for major donations of information, funds, postage stamps, supplies, photos, publicity, assistance, etc. Thank you in advance for sharing.
All such items are important to the ShadowGram Newsletters, the actual complete published Official DS Newsletter & News Source. Subscribers of all ages are across the US and worldwide. I send complementary issues directly to many of the DS cast and crew, who share their news with me for SG, and who enjoy learning about their DS colleagues in SG's pages.
NOTE: The e-mail Updates like this one are * NOT * the actual Official DS Newsletter. The Official DS Newsletters are the published SG print issues that expand and explain each short Online Update post. The postal-mail edition is available by paid subscription and provides specific detailed information, exclusive/rare photos, media coverage - all much more than these brief Updates.
This Update is posted to the ShadowGram YahooGroup and is dispersed by interested people to various lists, boards, websites, groups, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, in personal emails and other online/print communications. Please include SG's complete address and subscription information in your sharing.
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You can read past SG Online Updates once you're a member of the group by clicking on the "Messages" tab.
If you'd like more information on how to become a SG YahooGroup member, or to get an invitation to join the Group, please e-mail Marcy Robin at
Thank you.
Marcy Robin
ShadowGram Editor / Publisher
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
YahooGroup e-mail:
Official ShadowGram Website:
ShadowGram Editor / Publisher
P.O. Box 1766
Temple City, CA 91780-7766
YahooGroup e-mail:
Official ShadowGram Website:
SHADOWGRAM (SG) is the *Official* "Dark Shadows" Newsletter. Much of its news is directly provided by the show's personnel and those involved in the 1966-71 TV series,
1991 TV series, and the new DS motion picture, now in production.. Established 32+ years ago in April, 1979, SG works directly with individuals, companies, and others involved in DS' creation, distribution, promotion, merchandise, etc.
1991 TV series, and the new DS motion picture, now in production.. Established 32+ years ago in April, 1979, SG works directly with individuals, companies, and others involved in DS' creation, distribution, promotion, merchandise, etc.
SG print issues are published throughout the year. Time-sensitive bonus breaking-news free published updates can be sent as needed at any time to all current paid postal-mail subscribers.
Brief Update bulletins are posted through the ShadowGram Online "Dark Shadows" News Updates Yahoo Group.
Brief Update bulletins are posted through the ShadowGram Online "Dark Shadows" News Updates Yahoo Group.
See subscription information and contact addresses above.
For more newsletter information, please write with a SASE (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope) to the above postal-address or e-mail: